Who We Are
Ko te manako ia, ka kite ana te ao Māori i ēnei pūmua Māori, ka kā te ahi ki roto i a rātou kia aro tōmua ai ki tētahi oranga kikī ana i te hauora, koinā māua i kōwhiri ai i te ingoa, “ARO”.
Translated, Aro can mean: ‘Focus, to face, take heed’. Engari, we see ARO as a direction towards a healthier lifestyle.
kia ū, kia hiwa, kia mataara!
Te Whare Tapa Wha
Tama tu tama ora, tama noho tama mate.
Numerous studies have shown the link between your brain and your gut, which is often considered the bodies “second brain”. In turn, eating a nutrient rich diet, can help to support and ease those feelings of depression and anxiety, which is very prevalent in Aotearoa. With this knowledge, we have created a product that makes it easier to fill your body with those nutrient rich foods.
This is where ARO Plant-Based protein comes in. We have created a formula that brings supplements back to basics. Keeping it clean, and adding extra vitimans and minerals to support your mind and body.
Therefor increase your protein intake, get the extra benefit of added vitamins and minerals such as iron, magnesium, b vitimans and zinc to your diet, and feel better with ARO.